Ext. Event: SURF e-course on Zero-Emission Zones for freight (launch event)

The SURF project (Sustainable URban Freight) will guide city planners, business leaders and other freight decision-makers to develop a vision and strategy pathway for sustainable freight. The project is a collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund Europe (EDF Europe) taking place between April and December 2021. Within its activities, SURF organised the SURF e-course on pathways for Zero-Emission Zones for freight (ZEZ-Fs) and POLIS is kindly inviting you to join. This event was open to all POLIS members and non-members. Date: 15 September 2021 Time: 15:00 – 16:30h (CET) Registration closed.
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EMEurope is co-funded by the European Commission as part of the ERA-NET Confund scheme under Horizon 2020 Programme for EU funding programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 723977.