In collaboration with the European Commission and the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association, European countries and regions set up the Electric Mobility Europe Call 2016 (EMEurope Call 2016) to further promote and advance electric mobility in Europe. Funded projects in the EMEurope Call 2016 shall focus on the application and implementation of e-mobility in urban and suburban areas and their expected outcomes are likely to include an:
- Intensified uptake of e-mobility in urban and suburban areas
- Improved connectivity between electric vehicles and the existing infrastructure
- Increased choice for customers or consumers seeking to reduce the environmental impact of their travel.
The EMEurope Call 2016 will support Research & Innovation projects addressing the following 5 key areas of electric mobility:
- System integration (transport, urban and sub-urban areas);
- Integration of urban freight and city logistics in e-mobility;
- Smart Mobility concepts and ICT applications;
- Public Transport;
- Consumer behaviour and societal trends.
In the EMEurope Call 2016 14 countries and regions and the European Commission are providing research funds totalling some 23,000,000 EUR for coordinated funding of Research & Innovation projects. The EMEurope call follows a two-step submission and evaluation procedure, starting with the submission of light proposals. In a next step a full proposal submission will follow for those proposals selected from the light proposal evaluation.
Detailed Information about the formal conditions of the EMEurope Call 2016 and the evaluation procedure of full proposals can be found in the EMEurope Call 2016 Guide for Applicants – Full proposals.
Call is closed.
Documents for Download
For detailed information on eligibility and duration of the projects, submission and evaluation steps, application steps, Evaluation procedure, please consult the following documents:
Please be aware that the Guide for Applicants may still be subject to minor updates. Therefore check for updated versions regularly and make sure that you use the most recent one. Transnational, national and regional specifications in later versions always prevail on those in previous versions.
Important Dates
02 November 2016
Launch of the call for light proposals
25 November 2016
Information and Brokerage Event
On 25 November an EMEurope Information and Brokerage Event with focus on the Call 2016 took place in Brussels. more…
06 February 2017
Closure of call for light proposals
12 April 2017
Invitations to submit full proposals
09 June 2017
Deadline submission of Profile form template for experts
09 June 2017
Closure of call for full proposals
1. What is Electric Mobility Europe (EMEurope) and what is an ERA-NET Cofund?
EMEurope is a H2020 Coordination project under the ERA-NET Cofund instrument scheme designed to take transnational e-mobility research and policy exchange towards deployable solutions.
ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 is designed to support public-public partnerships, including joint programming initiatives between Member States, in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities as well as Union topping-up of a trans-national call for proposals. It is based on the merger of the former FP7 instruments ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus actions and is implemented by using ‘programme co-fund actions’. It allows for programme collaboration in any part of the entire research-innovation cycle. The main and compulsory activity of the ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 is the implementation of a co-funded joint call for proposals that leads to the funding of trans-national research and innovation projects.
2. EMEurope Call 2016 – Key Areas
Is there a specific minimum or maximum budget allocated for the different key areas?
There is no specific funding budget allocation to the five key areas or to individual research questions of a key area. Thus, depending on the kind and number of submitted proposals and the result of the evaluations in step 1 (light proposals), respectively in step 2 (full proposals), it may happen that not all key areas are covered in the end. Moreover, since proposals may address several key areas, a specific budget allocation would not be useful.
Can a proposal address more than one key area?
Yes, a proposal can address more than one key area. The addressed key areas should be clearly indicated and described in the proposal. The CMT will still request the proposal Coordinator to stipulate one main key area.
How does one know which key areas and research topics are most important and should therefore be addressed?
There is no particular order in the key areas addressed by the EMEurope Call 2016. All key areas are equally important. The Guide for Applicants (GfA) describes guiding objectives for each key area and research topics (see GfA Chapter 3).
Is the call limited to electric mobility or can fuel cell applications also be considered?
In the Call text and its requirements and specifications there is no limitation to Battery Electric Vehicles or (Plug-in) Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Also Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles are in scope. However, one should bear in mind that a project in its maximum duration of 30 months should result in a demonstration of the integrated e-mobility solution. This seems harder to achieve for FCEV than for BEV or PHEV as the technology of the latter is more proven. Furthermore, national specifications might exclude FCEV.
3. EMEurope Call 2016 – evaluation
What makes a proposal stands out?
EMEurope Call 2016 proposals should significantly contribute to the EMEurope objectives as described in the Guide for Applicants (GfA):
- Accelerate the time to market for solutions for integrating electric mobility in Europe’s (sub-)urban mobility systems;
- Establish and activate a network of policy decision makers and stakeholders for exchanging know-how and experiences on electric mobility solutions for European urban areas;
- Link policy, science and industry towards a joint support of electric mobility in European urban areas;
- Facilitate industry, service sector, politics, authorities and users, providing suitable and feasible solutions for electric mobility in European urban areas;
- Contribute to the European White Paper objective to promote zero emission mobility in European cities: (
All requirements for a proposal are set out in the EMEurope Call 2016 GfA. Good proposals will be characterised by high clarity regarding the objectives of the proposed project, high relevance to the call, a well-structured work plan and clear indications on expected impact. The high quality of a good proposal should immediately stand out from its summary.
How transparent will the evaluations and their outcomes be?
The evaluation process of the EMEurope Call 2016 is regulated according to the strict rules for ERA-NET Cofund initiatives. In step 1 the light proposals will be assessed by experts delegated by the national and regional funding providers. Based on their assessment results the funding providers will come to a consensus on how many and which proposals are going to be selected for invitation to submit full proposals. Due to the expected large number of submitted light proposals it will not be possible for the Call Secretariat to provide details on the reasons why a light proposal has not been selected.
In step 2 the full proposals will be assessed by independent international experts. The assessment procedure for this peer review is strictly prescribed by the ERA-NET Cofund requirements. The peer review procedure will be closely monitored and reported by an independent observer and an EC representative. Unsuccessful consortia will be informed of the reasons why their full proposal has been rejected.
Does the selection process make a distinction between large or small Projects?
There is no actual preference for either larger or smaller projects. The focus is on the quality of the proposals and the expected impact of the projects. There is no absolute limit to the number of partners in a proposal. However, it is important to build a consortium that is – in terms of size and selection of partners – both appropriate and necessary for achieving the objectives of the project proposed.
A Guide for Applicants (GfA) can be downloaded from the EMEurope website This document stipulates in detail the requirements for participation in the EMEurope Call 2016.
As part of the EMEurope Call 2016, a main Information and Brokerage Event was held on 25 November 2016 in Brussels at the Diamant Conference Center. Presentations of the Information part of the event are available through the following web link:
To support potential applicants, there is also a Call Secretariat that you can contact via and the national and regional contact points in your country or region that can be found in Annex I of the GfA.