
EMEurope partners will attend and inform you about several selected Events on electric mobility taking place in Europe and beyond.


New Initiative

Planned Coordination and Support Action

HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-06: EU Member States/Associated countries research policy cooperation network to accelerate zero-emission road mobility (2ZERO Partnership)


The speed of climate changes, and consequent need to reduce CO2 emissions, the levels of pollution in many cities, the shifts in political and trading relationships between countries and the need to protect jobs in Europe, make the acceleration of zero emission road mobility even more urgent than it was a considered a few years ago.

A network of EU Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) dedicated to collaborating for the development and uptake of road electric mobility was created and expanded during the initiatives Electromobility+ (2010-2015, and Electric Mobility Europe (EMEurope) (2016-2022, Both initiatives were co-funded by the European Commission (EC) and supported by the European Green Vehicle Initiative Association (EGVIA, now 2Zero, Over 30 transnational research and innovation projects were funded within these initiatives where countries and regions with a strong interest in promoting electric mobility worked together. The initiatives were designed according to the necessities identified at the time.

In EMEurope, additional to the transnational funding of projects, policy cooperation activities were planned aiming at a stronger alignment of strategy and policy among the relevant stakeholders to support the development of electric mobility in a holistic way. The exchange of experiences between countries and regions was assessed as very important by the participating countries and regions and was extended to collaborations with other stakeholders, in order to better understand the needs and necessities of cities, industry, service providers, etc.

The European Commission and EU Member States and Associated countries are reinforcing and developing their research & innovation (R&I) policy to accelerate zero-emission road mobility development. A framework for cooperation will enhance the efforts to achieve this pan-European challenge by joining forces, sharing knowledge, bundling financial resources and coordinating activities, creating complementarities, coherence and building synergies across the EU (e.g. 2ZERO partnership) and EU MS/AC R&I funding programmes, national plans, efforts and approaches.

The planned CSA intends to intensify exchanges between countries, expand the existing network and build activities to allow EU Member States and Associated Countries to learn from each other and align measures in order to allow the acceleration of zero-emission road mobility in Europe. Additional benefits for the participating countries include the preservation of resources, for example, by implementing measures already tested in other countries or supporting technologies compatible to the needs of users on local and cross-border levels.

Documents for Download

For more Information please consult the following documents:

Important Dates

TRA Conference 2022 – Transport Research Arena 

14-17 November 2022, Lisbon/Portugal

More information available here

Timeline for decisions:

  • Discussions on content and preparation of activities/proposal: November 2022 to April 2023
  • Announce of participation interest and commitment of countries: until 30 March 2023
  • Proposal submission: 20 April 2023

More information about this initiative, please contact:

Marcia Giacomini –

Peter Wilbers –

Europe Flag

EMEurope is co-funded by the European Commission as part of the ERA-NET Confund scheme under Horizon 2020 Programme for EU funding programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 723977.