Policy Cooperation
Policy cooperation activities aim at the achievement of a stronger alignment of strategy and policy among the relevant stakeholders to support the development of electric mobility in a holistic way with three main tasks:
- Strengthening the knowledge base and prepare further actions
- Improving and tuning framework conditions for electric mobility
- Establishing close contacts between policy makers and stakeholders
The ERA-NET Plus Electromobility+ has developed a solid network of national and regional authorities dealing with electric mobility in Europe. The exchange of information and experiences of involved authorities proved to be of great value. Building on the lessons learnt from Electromobility+, EMEurope is following the needs and demands of the policy makers and at the same time considering those of stakeholders and the industry. EMEurope elaborates and expands the systematic and steady exchange of information and mutual learning process started in Electromobility+. Furthermore, a successful development of electric mobility requires suitable, supportive and preferably tuned frame conditions, such as fiscal incentives or legal provisions.
The mutual learning and exchange of information provide an essential basis for this development, contributing to the implementation of effective and maximally tuned national and regional provisions and laws.
Along these lines, the EMEurope policy network is seeking for regular exchange with its target groups, stakeholders and the industry. Within the planned policy cooperation, EMEurope is cooperating closely with EGVIA and other platforms and networks in Europe in order to achieve its ambitious goals. Among these activities several workshops take place in collaboration with these networks. For more information on planned workshops, please visit out events page.
The main documents generated from the activities of this network are available on this page under “Documents for Download” on the left side.